We’ve received disturbing complaints about the Supervised Visitation facilities in Solano County.
As there is no official oversight agency for issues related to Supervised Visitation Providers, complaints and grievances often have to be made to various agencies.
To assist with bringing attention to the matter, we are aggregating information from people who have problems, issues, complaints, grievances or other issues with the Supervised Visitation providers in Solano County.
IF you have any information, just comment below. We will NOT publish your comment/information, it will be stored only for review by our volunteers. If we need more information, we will reach out to you, so make sure your email address is accurate, and is an email account that you check regularly.
Once we aggregate complaints, we will file formal grievance packets with all agencies that have authority to address issues with Supervised Visitation Providers. We believe there is strength in numbers, and it’s more impactful for us to aggregate complaints and present the issues in a way that shows there are systemic problems, as opposed to singular and uncommon issues.
Your personally identifying information will not be used in the complaint, so that you are protected from any perceived retaliation from the Supervised Visitation Provider.